
Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Something about my College.

This is College of Earth and Environmental Sciences. You know it as soon as u set foot on its ground. There is Garbage at the back of the lawn, though it is less in quantity, it is deadly in sorroundings. If u are in a car, you are safe. However, dont ride ur bike, rather get off walk with it - literally. Because there is no guaranty who u might hit. 

I remember it very well. It was almost 4 years ago when i was admitted in this madhouse. Nothing has changed much since. Infect it has gone worse. 

I'll give u 1000Rs. if u could find me a spot in Computer lab. It is soo overly crowded as though u are stuck in a pool of Sand Grains. But dont blame them. They have got nothing to do with it. Blame their parents, who wouldnt buy their children personal computers. So they use College's computers to check their E-mails or to reply to facebook messages the amount of AirBus windows. 

You wouldnt dare to sit in the open area situated right in front of the building either. The smell of the sewage would push u away. However, if u do manage to sit somehow. you couldnt be urself afterwards. Your mind would constantly pop back & forth in ur skull desperate to find a way out. 

If u think this is nothing. Try entering in one of the washrooms on the upper floor. Ohh Boy! I am ready to bet. You may have smell dirty green fungicated socks of ur roomate. You may even have smell rotten eggs. But u wouldnt, in no-way, have smell the bruises lashing out from this nightmare. I rather wet myself or leak into a dustbins ofcourse but to have a go in there. 

I wonder what kind of environment we will be examining or sniffing once we have graduated! Gold help us.


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